- 大変な状況の中、かけつけて下さった皆様をお迎えしたのは、等身大のウェルカムボード
- A life-size welcome board was waiting for the guests who finally arrived by overcoming heavy snow.
The guests could take a photo putting their faces on top of two “Maiko” costumes with bride and groom on each side. Many guests enjoyed this.
- 乾杯時にご用意頂いた一人一人のネーム入り枡
- A toast was made by using the “Masu” with each guest’s name burned on it.
We appreciated their consideration preparing the “Masu” even for us.
- 芸舞妓さんの祝舞
- The performance by “Geiko” and “Maiko”.
It was a nice coincidence that Geiko and Maiko showed up in the same color kimono as they appeared on the welcome board.
何度見ても、思わず踊りたくなるような そんな楽しい気分になれます。
雪の挙式には、かけがえのない皆様との 絆を深められる魔法が隠されていましたね。
京都本店 和婚プランナー S
I had a telephone conversation with a bride who got married the other day.
“Thank you so much. I had a really good time!”
I was happy to hear her words in a delighted tone of voice.
On the morning of the wedding day, she watched the snow reproachfully.
It started snowing from the night before, and it made her worry about the traffic hindrance as many of their guests would travel from the Kanto area.
She kept holding her cell phone in her hand while she was preparing for the wedding.
“The train stopped. I won’t make it…”
“The train has started finally at reduced speed. I may be late, but I’ll be there for sure!”
She read the text messages sent to her cell phone and said,
“I may cry when I can see their faces at the ceremony.”
When I heard this, I also felt close to tears.
And finally the wedding reception started.
The bride and groom entered the hall waving to their guests while all the guests were watching the couple with smiles.
Everyone looked so happy with various speech and performance by the guests,
and all the guests enjoyed the Kyoto style reception with original arrangement by the bride and groom.
And the film for finale was a mighty work with the famous dance scene by Uma Thurman & John Travolta from the movie “Pulp Fiction”
which was created with the help of many friends.
This film makes anybody happy and feel like dancing.
T-sama, M-san, congratulations on your wedding!
“The wedding on snowy day” worked such a magic for you which deepen the ties with precious people.
By S / Japanese style wedding planner, LST Wedding Kyoto